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I am pregnant and in need of a place to stay. How do I get help through Mater Filius?
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Our Services
We provide more than shelter and food. We provide the ability to rise above devastating, negative elements and achieve job-readiness and self-sustainability.
Mater Filius taught me how to be a mother and an independent woman. I also learned how to love myself and see myself as a child of God. I do not know what my life would be like without Mater Filius.

Rooted in Catholic Tradition
We are a Catholic apostolate with the blessing of Archbishop Schnurr to serve in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Dedicated for Expectant Mothers
We offer transitional housing exclusively for women experiencing pregnancy with no means of support.

No Restrictions
We welcome expectant mothers regardless of their religious beliefs, socio-economic status, or ethnicity.

After Birth Care
Mothers can live at our home for up to 8-months after their baby is born and learn how to lovingly care for their infant.
What Sets Us Apart

Mother Teresa reminded us that the greatest disease today is loneliness. “ There’s a hunger for love, as there is a hunger for God.”
Our Mater Filius Ministry is but one wonderful example of how we are called to love others. Following Mary’s example of charitable service toward others and imitating her twofold Fiat at the Annunciation and at the Passion, we kneel in awe at the feet of Jesus in the tabernacle. With our hands and voice, we embrace the power of the Rosary. We lift up Mater Filius and all our intentions to heaven beseeching the Lord that our will be conformed to his love and will.
Please join us Mondays at 7 pm for Holy Hour and Confession at St. Simon Parish, 825 Pontius Road.
Defending Life with Love

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